Site Update!

Hello, friend.

So, I decided to update the content of the site and add in crochet projects that I’m working on as well as some posts about data science projects, and coding concepts.

But why?

The only constant is change. Well, that and I realized that I don’t write as often as I could, or should update content here. I’m certainly paying my host a lot of money, annually to not write very much.

So, here we are.

  • I haven’t really felt compelled to bake or cook with much frequency lately either. I don’t know about you but I definitely get in ruts where I have zero creativity/cooking seems more like a chore than fun and I end up just assembling food for meals. Plus, it’s been too hot to turn on the oven here during the summer (kinda contradicts the purpose of the A/C).
  • I am also a data science (analytics specialist) and wanted to share what I have learned with Python and what I’m currently learning/working on in my spare time.

  • AND, I love to crochet and am working on adding items to my Etsy store. So, why not showcase or talk about crocheting too?

With that said, let’s go!